⭐👉 Battletoads Double Dragon and TMNT Infinity - Copy - Copy

This page of our store allows you to download the Battletoads Double Dragon and TMNT Infinity OpenBoR game for free. It's quick, simple, and secure.

Battletoads Double Dragon by MadGear is one of the finest OpenBoR games enthusiasts have encountered. It boasts excellent build quality and flawless gameplay. As an outstanding product, it has inspired numerous remixes and expansions. A new remix of the existing game is now available for download. Titled Battletoads Double Dragon and TMNT Infinity, it is the creation of a Mexican developer known by the nickname Infinity Beat 'em Up.
In this remake, several new characters have been introduced, including Vigilante, Casey Jones, Hanzo, and the formidable Ronnie from the Double Dragon series. But there's more. In this iteration, of Battletoads Double Dragon: The Revenge, the ninja turtles have been incorporated not just as additional playable characters but also into a richer, more developed storyline. Shredder has joined forces with Willy and the Dark Queen, leading to the ultimate showdown in Krang's technodrome, where all the heroes converge for the climactic battle.
For devoted OpenBoR fans, the game is quite captivating, and it's likely you'll enjoy it if you give it a try.

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Developer: @Infinity Beat 'em Up [YouTube Channel]
Engine: OpenBoR
Genre: Action / Beat 'em Up
Type: Remake / Remix
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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