Chrono Killer OpeBoR [actualizado]

From this page on our site, you can download the OpeBoR game Chrono Killer [updated] [v.3.0 Build 4086].

Remember the story of Chrono Killer, A team of seven fighters, and now the well-known Samurai Jack has joined them. Together, they travel through time to correct the past and save the future.  But now they will have to save themselves first. Attempts to get out of this time-travel will take them through different eras of time, such as prehistory, the Renaissance, the modern present, or the future. They will have to deal with the long-extinct civilization of reptiles and robots of the future. The battle seems incredibly difficult, but the skills of this team are incredible. You will be able to choose as your character a representative from the spilling eras, each with its own combat style.
The game is a representative of the classic OpenBor games of the 4 series of engine. The gameplay is very interesting and lasts for more than an hour and a half.

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Author: Cybersoul X
Engine: OpenBoR [v.3.0 Build 4086]
Type: Game
Genre: Beat 'em Up
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play 

Good OpenBoR Games to Download! 

⭐👉 Download Chrono Killer OpenBoR [v.3.0 Build 4086]

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