Cla Fan Clásico Fantasía

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OpenBoR Download 
Let me introduce you to another game. They are built in a world of unique miniatures. The game genre is beat'em up, and the engine is OpenBoR. A unique journey into the world of medieval fantasy filled with mythical creatures, brave knights, and wizards. An extensive map offers many arenas and missions to go through. Each character is different and has its own set of special moves.The game will definitely have fans who will immerse themselves in its long missions. They are very interesting and promise complete fun.Additional moves are unlocked by a combination sequential toAtack === >> Special === >> Combo.

Installation : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play
You can also try the demo version of ClaFan Advanced 
The adventures begin at the exit from the village-sign exit-After the Bridge 

!!! if not works copy the pak.file from the game and past it into the OpenBoR paks.folder !!!

Good Fantasy Games OpenBoR Colection
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