Campeones eternos - Las delgadas cuerdas del destino

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the ''pak'' files are must placed in the ''paks'' folder of the openbor

the adventures of Shadow Yamoto DownloadYou have to play this game. It is a quality work and a variety in a world full of standard offers.The game is adventurous, with a slight hint of ferocious occultism and advanced mystical technology. You will travel through time, and you will play several game modes and each mode is loaded with its own style, and combat mode. The grips are also different for each level.
The graphics are good and the choice of animation appropriate. This is a really original title and you should try it.

You will be able to immerse yourself in more than three hours of active gameplay, as well as several alternative ways to develop the story. You will travel in time. Each era is filled with its own atmosphere and challenge. You will trace the threads that connect time and you will strive to weave them in a new way.
Beyond time, space is different. Worlds exist but can jump from one to another. There you will find great champions who can analyzing time and model the world . These are the Ethernal Champion and Dark Champion.
These two characters inhabit the world of the game Eternal Champions - The Thin Strings of Fate.
Your character is Shadow Yamoto. Japanese ninja - a killer who was betrayed by his master but was saved by the Ethernal Champion.
However, the thirst for revenge still exists.
Which way, your character will take depends on whose side he will take in the game. Eternal Champions sets you tasks that will keep you stable over time. The dark champion brings the destructive power of chaos.
The two paths are also two separate games that you can play.
Once you play Eternal Champions - The Thin Strings of Fate, once, you will unlock three new missions, where for your characters you will be able to use both the champions and the improved version - Super Shadow.
Again in the towers of timelessness you will be able to choose in which era to teleport and so the new adventure begins.

Tis game is created by OpenBoR society and Krauser


Download, unzip and play - the game contains an OpenBoR emulator

This is the saves files that open all stages in gameplay.
Eternal Champions-ttsof PC-all-open-Saves.7z
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juego de información 
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the adventures of Shadow Yamoto DownloadTienes que jugar a este juego. Es un trabajo de calidad y una variedad en un mundo lleno de ofertas estándar. El juego es aventurero, con un ligero toque de ocultismo feroz y tecnología mística avanzada. Viajarás en el tiempo, jugarás varios modos de juego y cada modo está cargado con su propio estilo y modo de combate. Los agarres también son diferentes para cada nivel. Los gráficos son buenos y la elección de la animación adecuada. Este es un título realmente original y deberías probarlo. 


Descarga, descomprime y juega: 

el juego contiene un emulador OpenBoR 

Buenos Juegos Nuevos Servicio de Descarga Directa 

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