Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Edición especial

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Z sits on his throneOOOh! Men! Power Rangers is this !?These are super-mega-ultra-super-futuristic-super-mega-powerful, scary megaliths and Morphin of Power Rangers at the same time.Their strength comes and they defeat everyone?YES, YES, THAT'S THEM.
- Oh, what a robot - he's huge, I want one, I want, waaannnnttttt.
"Okay, which robot do you want?"
Well, Godzilla has a sword that flies ... but to unite with the others, because my friends have the same.

Well, this is the game for the cult series Power Rangers.
Now it has been renovated and can be played for up to four people. Your robots will once again twist under your control, and enemy creatures will shatter under powerful blows.

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