Double Dragon SNK 2010 Edición final [v.3.0 Build 3366]

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Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat <<===                                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club
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Beats of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                       ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-K.o.F -Torrent
Streets of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Mortal Kombatfoxes-in-game-with-site123-engine

SNK-DOUBLE-DRAGON-MaiDefinitely Double Dragon SNK 2010 Final Edition is quite a difficult game that still has a lot to work on.For its technical implementation, it uses the Beats of Rage base acquired through the OpenBoR virtual engine.However, it is generally too unbalanced. New gamers will have a hard time mastering even their own player. You'll often be trading blows with the enemy, meaning that fights will wear you down to the max. The enemy will easily get the upper hand on you, and you will find yourself under siege. However, kicks are very effective and take the opponent down from afar.
Double Dragon SNK 2010 Final Edition is a remake game dedicated to such legendary brands as Double Dragon and the SNK logo. That is, the story is retold through the eyes of Mai Shiranui. This awesome ninja has been kidnapped by Yamazaki's gang and now twin dragons Billi and Jimmy are on their way to rescue her.
The idea is great though...

Installation : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play
This game has been created by OpenBoR Copunity. All staff - in the text files of the game.

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