Doble Dragón Revolución 1

You know Gabo-Hanzo, mostly from his work on the Double Dragon franchise and OpenBoR. He creates some very interesting and engaging games that Double Dragon fans around the world love. These are a series of wonderful amateur remakes with which he presents us with his unique creative style. Added new characters, new special moves and combos, and also added a new expansion to existing stories and stages. The Double Dragon Revolution series follow their related sequence. The stories go from one to another, and now we present to you the first part of the Double Dragon Revolution 1 series, in which you will find a very interesting gameplay. The game has nothing of difficulty - above average. That's why the parry button is provided. Through it you will be able to block the enemy's attacks.
It takes you far beyond the territory of the scary Willy and is accompanied by new characters and locales that are borrowed from other games.
In addition to Billy and Jimmy, the game also includes Gabo-Hanzo, Sonny, Kunio and the powerful Vigilante.

Author: Gabo-Hanzo
Author's Facebook Page

You can support the author and his work - Click for More info [YouTube]

License: Free

Engine: OpenBoR

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