Dragón doble Bangaihen

The game YouTube channel Infinity Beat 'em up 
The author's twitter channel kt住江 (@ktsuminoe) / Twitter 
The Blog of the Game kt住江さんの自作ゲームの紹介! | アンバーちゃんの巣穴 (theblog.me)

New game produced by the Japanese author kt 住 江 and dedicated to Double Dragon.This is the game, Double Dragon Bangaihen and is part of the endless series of kt 住 江.These are a long series of excellent games, which are characterized by the special handwriting of the author. In fact, these are miniatures. However, the technique is exquisite and they are fully present in the game. The precision of the models is impressive, and the superior qualities of the gameplay gather fans.
A set of different grips and punches makes the game dynamic and diverse. Many weapons, each of which has its own technique for handling it, as well as its own special move. This also applies to the additional characters that you can use in the game. There is a whole series of characters. In addition to Billy and Jimmy, you will be able to choose from the ninja Ranzou, the phenomenal Casey and Shannon, the master of Kung-Fu Chin, as well as the boss Willy and his powerful warrior Abobo.
You need to play the game once to unlock these characters as well.
Each of them has its own unique fighting techniques that are very interesting. The ninja Ranzou turns out to be very powerful. His ninja katana strikes enemies with such power that they rarely stand up again. In addition to his grips, he also owns Shurikeni with which he defeats enemies from afar.
The game animation simulates the graphics of 8-bit consoles. However, it looks quite colorful, and the gameplay is modern and its qualities are among the best. 
Because the game is so good and not difficult, it will seem very short. Although with new characters like the ninja Ranzou, Master Chin and Abobo, you can replay her in a radically different way. That's more than two hours of active play, and it's still too short.
We hope that the author will continue to create such wonderful works that we can all play.

Double Dragon Bangaihen game has been produced by OpenBoR society,  Mr.Q and kt 住 江

Installation : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play

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Developer: kt 住 江
Engine: OpenBoR
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

Good Double Dragon Games
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