Asesinos de Mortal Kombat Outworld XL

Chrono Crash Game Forum

Mortal Kombat Outworld Assassins XL sub-sero vs monk   Let me introduce you to an improved edition of the Outworld Assassins game. This is not just a new version of the game but a new title. The gameplay has changed significantly, new grips and fighting techniques have been added.In this series, however, you must save the earthly kingdom from alien invaders, for this you must go through a series of challenges. You will be able to choose from the three Fighters Sub-Zero, Noob-Saibot and Scorpion.Their abilities are enviable and very spectacular.The game is excellent, well synchronized, the architecture is perfect. All you have to do is charge and play.

This game has been created by Gurtag and OpenBoR society

Instalation ===>> Download ===>> Unzip ===>> Play

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