RUSHING BEAT GIRLS | Paquete de juego OpenBoR

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Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat <<===                                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club
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Beats of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                       ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-K.o.F -Torrent
Streets of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Mortal Kombat

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The creator of Fight Girls, Takeshinstyle Sisters 2 or The Girls V. <<=== コウ Gameplay channel           

Animal Girls linkRUSHING BEAT GIRLS | Game Pack OpenBoR, includes in four of the rarest titles, openbor. They are all ready to use. You can unzip and play.
Leading game in this collection is the title RUSHING BEAT GIRLS created by コ ウ Gameplay channel. This game is from 2021 and is still rare. However, it is quite interesting.コ ウ has its own unique style and in this game you will meet his handwriting. Basically - your team is made up of heroines. The Beats of Rage platform is used as the main platform of the games, and significant improvements have been made.
RUSHING BEAT GIRLS is an easy to play but addictive game that will make you sweat a lot.
Added to it are the games, Strider X, Project R [v.3.0 Build 4086] and Heaven's Anime Girls, which was created by Prolophis Videogamer.
Heaven's Anime Girls is also made up of a women's team, but you can point out significant differences in the artistic design of the two games. And so, you can download the OpenBoR mini pack and have fun.
The OpenBoR engine is added to the set, to which you can add all your favorite games that are adapted for this system.
You will find new mods in our library, from the menu above.

''Animal Girls'' OpenBoR package includes: 

  • Console - OpenBOR v3.0 Build 6391 with released this on 21 Aug 2018
  • Heaven's Anime Girls
  • Project R [v.3.0 Build 4086]
  • Strider X

if you use our torrent download channel, you will also download a package of games, Animal Girls | 5 Games Pack OpenBoR!

This game pack has been compiled for you by RedBrilliantFox and is free to download on or

These games are produced by the OpenBoR community and are free to play. 

Installation : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play

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