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Luchadores de Famicom

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On this page of our Ikemen Game Store, you can download the game Famicom Fighters. 

Famicom reminds us again of ourselves and its incredible characters. This time, Nintendo's trademark inspired by Kingpepe 2010 created this wonderful and unique game driven by Ikemen Go.
Fighters and arenas are part of our well-known 8-bit Famicom format. As an elective hero, you will find Rockman, Mario, Bomberman, Samus, Star Man, the great Tholoman, and others. Thus, there are 11 characters in a martial arts tournament. Surely the game is a good download suggestion that will diversify your gaming.
We tested the Famicom Fighters, and they show excellent qualities.

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Developer: KingPepe2010 @FamicomFightersOfficial and @FamicomFighters;
Official Site: https://mcjimmy.net/famicomfighters.html
Type: Game/Remake
Genre: Fighting
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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