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The King of Fighters: Batalla de titanes [Ikemen-Go]

From this page in our Blog you can download the game The King of Fighters: Battle of Titans [Ikemen-Go] for free.

The King of Fighters: Battle of Titans is a very good game for the Ikemen-Go PC.
As you know, the Ikemen-Go engine is compatible with Mugen content, which makes it really preferred among fan game creators.
And so in this remix, the choice of characters exceeds 150 different characters. Among them are characters from other series and games, such as Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, Guile, and Another Ryu. Fumma, Hanzo, and Mudman from World Heroes It is also remarkable that the game also features the characters from Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero and Scorpion, as well as those from Tekken Kazuya and Heihachi.
Let us add that most of the characters are hidden in the empty sections between the main menu and in the three additional lines above it. There are Sub-Zero, Blanka, Reiji Oiyma, Another Ryu, Charlie, Zeroko, and another nearly dozen of the best and most extreme fighters in the game. So you'll have to go around the menu and look for them.
The level of difficulty is above average, which will make ''The King of Fighters: Battle of Titans'' a preferred game among advanced gamers. With the help of multiple spectacular combos, moves, and specialties embedded in the encoding of the characters, you will be able to take the lead over your opponent.
The Ikemen-GO engine is very stable, and this guarantees perfect gameplay.

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Developer: ThunderFlames - MUGEN Hi res [YouTube Chanel] and Ikemen-Go Community
Developer of this game: Mugen Netplay [YouTube Channel]
All new games and downloads
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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