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El ala Ikemen-Go de King of Fighters [CORREGIDO]

On this page of our Ikemen Game Store, you can directly download the game, The King of Fighters Wing Ikemen-Go [FIXED], for free and quickly. 

This is the King of Fighters Wing game for the Ikemen-Go engine.
This version of the game includes many changes.
Game stability has been improved, mostly thanks to the new Ikemen engine.
Characters fight in a newer, better, and more spectacular way.
It is noteworthy that the game has a total of 56 selectable characters in its menu, but many of them have several variations. Similar as Takuma Sakazaki, who also present as Mr. Karate in the game.
Thus, the number of playable characters is almost doubled.
It is noteworthy that Ryo Sakazaki is also present with his very attractive version of the legendary image of Mr. Karate.

How are the alternate character variants unlocked for play?
This is not difficult. Choose your favorite character and start the next fight. In the prelude, before you start the match, you will have 5 seconds to choose your favorite. Using the up or down arrows, you can recall any alternative option for your player.

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Developer: Ultimate Mugen Team [YouTube Channel]
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

We will also store our archived Ikemen-Go games and files in Terabox because it is Easy, Fast, and Free.
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2. Be signed, both on Terabox website and on the Terabox App.
3. Click on the Download link. The files will be downloaded through your App.
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