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⭐👉The King of Fighters XI IKEMEN-GO 1.1.7v

From this page, you can download King of Fighters Xi Ikemen GO 1.1.7V directly and free of charge. 

OK, this game impresses. In principle, this is an extended edition of our well-known game, The King of Fighters XI, built for the Mugen engine.
First of all, this version of the game is driven by IKEMEN-GO. This engine provides users with many more features and amenities than Mugen's. So the game already arrives with us in a widescreen version. In addition, you can make different image changes to the settings that improve its qualities.
The Great gaming is flowing without buds or breaks.
The menu offers a total of 63 characters. They are all characteristic of the original Kof XI game, but there are some duplicated characters who represent different versions of the same character. Such is the character of Terry Bogard or Geese Howard. Also, you will find three guests in the tournament fighter, which are part of the Street Fighter game. These are Ryu, Ken, and Chun Li. However, the game cannot be considered a Krossover. The King of Fighters XI: Ikemen-Go is a typical remake that boasts excellent qualities.

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Author: Secret Tanza   [YouTube channel]
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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