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⭐👉 Sango Fighter: The Fate of The HAN Dynasty

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From this page in our Ikemen Game Store you can download the Sango Fighter game. The game is free.

Sango Fighter: The Fate of the Han Dynasty is a rare game that we have been able to find for you and store on our servers.
First, it has excellent quality. The retro game style brings you back to the era of the three kingdoms of China and the HAN dynasty to free China from tyranny.
The Ikemen engine is of an older generation, but you can be sure that it works perfectly and will provide you with really perfect gameplay.
Sango Fighter comes to us in three game modes.
The first is the Story Mod, where you will be able to follow the path of great battles among the five well-known generals of the HAN army. These are Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong. This mod is also accompanied by the rich synemics that tell of HAN's victory.
Arcade Mod is the richest. It features all the fighters in the game, and you will be able to use them as elective characters. His goal is to defeat all opponents and prove himself the best general. In addition, he also owns the Bonus Stage, in which you will have to demonstrate your hunting skills.
Well, there is also a P2P mode where you will also be able to play multiples.

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Developer: Panda Entertainment and Super Fighter Team
Developer's Web Site: Super Fighter Team 
Type: Game
Genre: Fightig / Versus
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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