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Snk contra Capcom Ex Ikemen-Go

From this page in our free Ikemen-Go game store, you can download the SNK vs. Capcom EX game. 

Many new games for Ikemen-Go flood the internet for the joy of fans. This fantastic engine showed its advantages as well as its ability to drive content for Mugen.
Here's another very good game that uses an older version of the Ikemen engine.
Snk vs. Capcom Ex is a Multivrse game created by Yamory X. It is characterized by excellent stability and a good ratio between the individual elements in its construction.
The gaming is interesting and exciting, which will attract many fans.
The menu of ''Snk vs. Capcom Ex'' is arranged with a total of 24 separate elective characters, which are representatives of the two universes—the one of SNK and its competitor Capcom.
Among your favorite characters from Capcom, you will find Akuma, Ryu, Dinosaar Hauzer, Lilith, Hayato, and, invariably, Captain Commando. Also among SNK representatives are Terry Bogard, Mai, Kevin, Rosa, Samurai Ukyo, and, of course, Kyo.
Although the number of characters in this version of SNK vs. Capcom Ex is limited to 24, the gameplay is very inspiring and interesting, and you will surely have fun to be filled.

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Author: Yamory X
Type: Game/Remake/Remix
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play [BETA]

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