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Lanzamiento del juego completo Waku Waku Galaxy IKEMEN-GO 0.98.2

Through this page of our site, you can download Waku Waku Galaxy Fullgame Release 22.05.13 for free and immediately | I.K.E.M.E.N-GO 0.98.2 

Another good game from the EKEMEN-Go community This time it is dedicated to the story of the Waku Waku Galaxy.
A wonderful menu that includes 19 different characters, including Ariana, Rai, Athena Asamiya, Felden, Politank Z, and Mauru. You will also find one of the characters coded by O Ilisionista—this is Shin Kazuma.
Well, the game was created by Dura7ll3ur, who for the first time made a successful attempt to combine the two great games, Waku Waku 7 on Neo Geo and Galaxy Fight. Mixing characters from these universes makes the game feel new and unique.
The game uses the IKEMEN-Go engine, and thanks to this, it offers several additional game modes.
Along with the standard arcade mode, you'll also be able to choose a mode, co-op, missions, or training. In addition, mission revival includes Time Atak or Survivor trials, which make Waku Waku Galaxy a really interesting game for gamers.

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Author: Dura7ll3ur [YouTube channel]
[We discovered this game thanks to O Ilusionista and Chronocrash.com]
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

Presented by @A.W.B. YouTube channel
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