Street Fighter 30 Aniversario - Mugen

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Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat <<===                                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club
Final Fight Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                               ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Dragon Ball
Beats of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                       ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-K.o.F -Torrent
Streets of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Mortal Kombat

Street Fighter-30th Anniversary-M.u.g.e.n

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary M.u.g.e.n is possibly one of the best MUGEN games we can offer you. It is elegantly built, well shaped, as an extremely refined and precise product. As the title suggests, this is an anniversary edition to mark 30 years of the Street Fighter franchise.
There are a total of 50 different characters on the face, including those of Master Gouken, Akuma, Evil Ryu and Ken Masters. But it also contains some character from Vampire Hunter, Marvel, God of War and more.


Street Fighter  30th Anniversary M.u.g.e.n by Maxi Mugen and MUGEN society
All staff - in the text documents of the game

You will find the full composition of the creative team in the text files of the game!
Installation : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play                                   

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