Estrellas de Street Fighter

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Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat <<===                                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club
Final Fight Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                               ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Dragon Ball
Beats of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                       ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-K.o.F -Torrent
Streets of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Mortal Kombat

The  RagingRowen's YouTube chanel - News, updates, feedback. 


Mostly a simple game that fits the main features of Street Fighter. However, the profile and arrangement of Street Fighter All-Stars look quite promising and we can probably expect a number of updates and improvements to this game. In fact, a number of new games are likely to emerge.
Behind the modest appearance is not very demanding gameplay. The mechanics of duels. more reminiscent of games from the past and in particular the world of the first Sreet Fighter. Basic grips, basic combinations, without rich varieties of special moves. Here the main group of karate players lags behind the general competition and you have to gain mastery to play with them. Each new player will have difficulty playing with them. However, Dan Hibiki makes an impression as a particularly effective character. It does well and shows excellent dynamics. Another character that you can use with ease is Sagat. This great giant is a crushing adversary.
As we mentioned, Street Fighter All-Stars 2022 is a simple remake of Street Fighter and in its conjuncture is closer to the first parts of the series. The lack of various strikes and fighting techniques means that you have to rely more on powerful hits and eliminate the enemy.
The figure of RetSu has also been added. It is difficult to play with him, but if you master his fighting technique, he will become your favorite character. Unusual for the game fighting style, where there are no super-natural combat strikes, such as Ryok Hoshi's Hadoken or M.Bison's energy charges. His bop style is Shorinji Kempo. Ancient fighting style from China, which is characterized by its strength and precision.

Street-Fighter-all-star-ryu-vs-kenChun Li is a particularly difficult opponent. Unlike other players, her nature is very dynamic. She uses grips from Chinese Kung-fu, but named in her own fighting style.
Good game, but with a limited lineup. A total of fifteen selectable characters, including Haggar from Final Fight and Batsdu from Rival Schools.

Overall, we can add that this is a great game with many promising features. This is probably an early version and we can expect new, more complete versions. This one looks kind of unfinished.
However, the fun is guaranteed, and RagingRowen did a great job with this compilation. Fans will enjoy a rare gameplay that will make it difficult for players to the maximum.

grand-master-ken-mastersStreet Fighter All-Stars has been created by RagingRowen MUGEN society.

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Street Fighter All-Stars: Credits
Street Fighter and related Assets (c) CAPCOM
Elecbyte (The MUGEN Engine)
Characters or Assets:
Menu Screen: Drive-in at Night (SFIV)
Nash's Stage: Nash Theme (SFA2 Gold)
PotS (A lot, including Feedback)
Victorys (Ryu)
Select Screen: SFII Character Select (SFV)
Alex: Jazzy NYC 2011 (SFIII 3S: Online Edition)
Jmorphman (Ken, Chun Li and Guile, AI Code)
M206 (Some stuff from his Supreme Sagat)
Versus Screen: SFII Versus Screen (SFV)
Sagat's Stage(s): Theme of Sagat (SFIV)
DivineWolf (Akuma, Sagat)
ReddBrink (Haggar)
Victory Screen: SFII Result Screen (SFV)
Mike Haggar Theme (Remix) by MrDestructor90
PotS (A lot, including Feedback)
varo_hades (Cammy, AI Code)
Ryu Theme (Namco x Capcom)
Batsu's Stage: Batsu Theme (Tatsunoko vs Capcom)
DeathScythe (Ingrid & some stuff for Akuma & Cammy)
chuchoryu & TigerBoy (Cammy Sprites)
The Fire Shoto by Ray Casarez
M.Bison's Stage: M.Bison's Stage (SSF2T HD Remix)
Froz (Dictator)
GM (Some stuff for Alex)
Chun-Li's Stage (SSF2T HD Remix)

SeanAltly (Haggar Sprites, Ending Credits Base from SHADEs 3)
Guile's Stage: Guile Theme (SFV)

ReixSeiryu/ShinRei/etc. (SeanAltly & GM might be included) (Alex)
Ingrid's Stage: Messenger From The Stars by HARUNOboy17
KOFHERO77 (Alex's Color Seperation)
R@CE AKIR@ (Batsu)
Retsu's Stage:
Credits: Becoming the Storm (Nesshou!! Street Fighter II - Instrumental Version)
Kamekaze (Team-Up FX)
Daeron, Li_Kun, CVSNB and Dampir (Batsu Sprites)

Project.13 (Hit Sounds)
Shiyo Kakuge (Stages)

Mr. Ansatsuken (Aura Code)
Charles_2011 (Stages)

kenmasters2812 (Stage Edits)
AVPboy (Stage Edits)

NeoGouki (Dan's Stage)
0megaturb0 (Retsu's Stage)

President Devon (Batsu's Stage + Logo and Original Lifebar(s))
Meldo Wiseau (FightFX)

Mr. Mystic (Music Rips)
Mete/BurningSoul/Mark85 (Help with Alex & ?????)

extravagant (Help with Hitboxes)
JacintaB19, Random Talking Bush, God Ryu, Mysticus, miner600 (Sound and Voice Rips)

beterhans (1.1 4gb Bundle)
Udon Staff and Contributors, Kinu Nishimura, Bengus, Akiman, Shinkiro and more... (Original Art)

And many more...

They also participate in the creation of the game. 
Palettes to the above chars
Palettes to the above chars
Palettes to the above chars
Those who contributed Palettes to the above chars.



