Luchadores súper irritables 2 | Juego Mugen

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On this page of our blog, you can download the game Super Cranky Fighters 2.

Italy is well known for its authors of the Mugen and OpenBoR games.
Here we are now presenting an entirely author's Mugen game, created by the Italian developer Mulambo [Emanuele Pepi].
Super Cranky Fighters 2 is a pretty cheerful and action-packed game that you can play.
It has 17 different elective characters and 17 different stages. They were made by the author, and you see them for the first time.
These are cheerful and bizarre characters who have different and unique abilities for fighting. They are all produced in 3D, which is a real novelty for Mugen.
Super Cranky Fighters 2 is also quite difficult, which will appeal a lot to sworn fans of combat games.
Of course, you can adjust the level of difficulty that suits your abilities the most. The compact size makes Super Cranky Fighters 2 the desired game for users and gate computers. After unziping, it occupies only 284 MB on your disk.

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Developer: Mulambo YouTube Channel; Developr's Website; Developer's Facebook Page
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
Genre: Fighting / Versus
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play [All Systems Pack]

Good MUGEN Games to Download! 

⭐👉 Download Super Chunky Fighter2 [Terabox]
⭐👉 Download Directly by Developer [Mulambo]

⭐👉 Download via Archive [Regular]