Megaman Robot Maestro Caos

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The project website <<===
The creator's YouTube channel <<=== o Ilusionista
The Creator's YouTube Channel <<=== Laspacho

Megaman returns to his fans with one of the best 2D games ever made. Among other things, this game was produced by the community of M.U.G.E.N. Which means she is free for her fans.
Yours is the third edition of Mega Man - Robot Master Mayhem V3.1
Awesome 30 separate characters, that use the best animation for their images. Fifty new Stages.
In addition, the characters have the ability to choose additional features to add to their combat skills.
Mega Man - Robot Master Mayhem delighted us with its perfect workmanship, which deserves a violent applause.

This game is produced by o Ilusionista,  LaspachoThe Robot Master Mayhem TeamInfinity MUGEN Team and M.U.G.E.N. society. 

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