Proyecto MK REVITALIZED 2 - 2020

On this page of our Free MUGEN Games Store, you may download Mortal Kombat Project REVITALIZED 2 - 2020 directly, quickly, and securely.

Again, a super good title. This time it is a work of ''Mortal Kombat Addict'' and was written for M.G.U.E.N.
Well, the battles here are being fought in full force, and the quality is excellent. We would put the logo on "new life," but it should be kept in mind that the quality of M.U.G.E.N. . The games in this community improve at a high speed, so we are constantly given better titles.
So, here, the game Mortal Kombat Project Revitalized 2 provides us with 56 characters, excellent gameplay and scenery, and interesting stories.
The decorations are spacious, and the new characters fit perfectly.
A new alternate story that you will be able to follow when you play. 

This game was created by Mortal Kombat Addict and M.G.U.E.N. . community. 

Installation: Download ===>> unzip - if need key - mkaddict2021 - ===>> play 

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Developer: Mortal Kombat Addict [YouTube Channel]
You can support the creator of a channel on YouTube or Facebook by registering.
There are more news, updates, and downloads from the world of Mortal Kombat Mugen.

Developer's; Official Creator's Page [Facebook Page]
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Remix
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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