Mortal Kombat contra Street Fighter La invasión

On this page of our Free MUGEN Games Store, you can download the game Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter The Invasion directly, fastly, and safely. 

Good coverage of the qualities. The game is a fundamentally impossible combination of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.
Shang Tsung swallowed most of the famous classic hero. He uses them for his own purposes.

Excellent and new characters, unknown so far, meet the influence of M. Bison and Akuma.
The Shao-lin monks present their shinobi, ready to fight; he has abilities similar to those of Sub-Zero. Together with Lin Kuei, they would be quite a chilling duo. And so the temperatures drop even more with another character: the sub-reptile. This reptile has also mastered the qualities of Frost and Sub-Zero.
The Order of Scorpion shows unprecedentedly powerful forces, such as those embodied in the Red Scorpio, surpassing those of his image.
There is a lot of work for Shao Khan's army, which can be replaced by that of M. Bison and Akuma.
Unrest is raging in the outside world, and chaos is everywhere.

This game was created by Ktokolwiek1992 / BoggyTheWorm and m.g.u.e.n. society

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Developer: Ktokolwiek1992 [YouTube Channel]
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Remix
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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