Apocalipsis mortal kombat

This page of our Free OpenBoR Game Store allows you to quickly, freely, and safely download the game Mortal Kombat Apocalypse.

Mortal Kombat Apocalypse is a game that hides some annoying flaws but is quite interesting. Excellently animated and well constructed. The timing of the fight is good, and the speed is great.
Almost 40 of the best characters in the series are here. Lin Kui, Shao Kahn, Shinok, and the Defenders of Earth, led by Ryden. Another Raiden-like character has been added, and that is the water god, whose robotic version of Hydro performs quite well in battle.


This game was created by DruidBlack and the M.G.U.E.N. . community.

Installation: Download ===>> unzip ===>> game

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Developer: DruidBlack
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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