Mortal Kombat río de sangre 2

New version of the game Mortal Kombat: Blood River 2.0. Patch 1.1 has also been added.
Lots of news. Added 49 selectable characters among which you will find Anubis. He is now part of the Earth Tournament and is one of the main bosses. Additionally, characters such as Goro, Kotaro, and Kintaro have been removed. Battles are fought in tag mode, where in one round you will have to defeat two of your opponents.
Added new stages as well as new stage Fatalities.
All fighters now also have many new skills that are not present in their classics variants. A new cinematic has also been added that fans will love. Through it, you will get a better insight into the atmosphere of Mortal Kombat: Blood River MUGEN.
Changes in this version:
- The roster of fighters has been completely revised; now their number is only 50 people out of 120;
- Most of the new and old fighters got new finishing moves [fatalities] and special moves;
- Reworked the main menu of the game;
- Changed the musical theme on the selection of fighters;
- Added a new animation system for character stances on the select, as well as their voice acting when choosing fighters (so far it has bugs, it will be finalized);
- New arenas;
- Added intros and endings to many characters.

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Author: AlexSad [YouTube channel] and Boris Suvorow
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Full Game, Remix
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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