Luchadores Historia Dinastías 2022

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The creator's YouTube Channel <<=== TTTTTsd 


Fighter's History Dynasties is a standout game that turned into a successful series. It started in the MUGEN and IKEMAN circles and gathered a lot of fans - lovers of fighting games.
Now we can present you another Fighter's History Dynasties title from 2022, which also has a number of improvements compared to the previous one, and many characters have also been added.
However, this is an intermediate series to serve as a transition to the next edition, which is expected to be presented in 2023.
What is the price of this game?
First of all you find bonus players like Ralph that you won't find in the newer version. They simply serve as a substitute for the new forms. This means that Fighter's History Dynasties from 2022 will be one of a kind. All this makes it a real relic. New stages, new character skills, and among the 39 characters you will also find Schroeder.

this game was created by: TTTTTsd  

Installation : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play   
Engine: Ikeman-GO

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