Kof Max Power Ulra Engranaje - mugen

On this page of our Free MUGEN Game Store, you can download Kof Max Power Ulra Gear MUGEN quickly, easily, and safely.

Very good game from Mugen: Kof Max Power Ulra Gear.
It was created by Desi Game World, the famous YouTube channel for streaming and downloading Mugen games. Let's note that the game is perfect. Although not so lavish in appearance, it will captivate you with its perfect gameplay and good synchronization between individual elements.
The Mugen engine performs excellently and promises KoF fans real, tense action.
Although the game suggests that this is a tournament from the King of Fighters series, we should note that the full line-up of Street Fighter fighters is also participating here. However, you will find that unit control is typical of SNK games, with four main buttons.
The console provides a choice of 174 characters, including Sagat, Gouki, Marco, Ryo Sakazaki, Takuma, Jazu, and Silver, as well as representatives from other games, such as Marco Rossi, for example. This character is a guest here from the game Metal Slugs.
Well, Kof Max Power Ulra Gear is a great game that will appeal to fans.

Installation: Download ===>> unzip ===>> play 

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Developers: MUGEN Community
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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