Antología de The King of Fighters Mugen 2021

You can quickly and safely download the game The King of Fighters Anthology on this page of our free MUGEN Game Club and Store for Free.
The creator's YouTube channel <<=== Duracelleur
The creator's Web Site <<=== Duracelleur

This is a game between "Duracelleur" and the rest of the Mugen community.
Of course, as you know, Mugen is an excellent engine, and although it is free, it shows enviable capabilities and qualities.
Thus, behind each game are the qualities of the artist needed to recreate his virtual world.
Here, the inspiration is the world of King of Fighters, and the game is full of improvements and qualities. A huge number of fighters added a hero. You can choose from 164 game and well-animated characters, as well as from 12 hidden selectable characters.

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Author: Duracelleur
Engine: MUGEN
Genre: Fighting Game
Type: Game/Remake
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play
Installation : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play

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⭐👉 Download The King of Fighter Anthology MUGEN [Super Fast Terabox]⭐👉 Download via Archive [Regular]

⭐👉 Download via Developer Official Website <<=== Full Download of the extended edition with over 673 characters.⭐👉 Download via Archive [Regular]

this clip from The Areton'S - Web World Guide  on his channel оn youtube

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