Mugen Street Fighter 4 Edición CVS

You can quickly and safely download the game Mugen Street Fighter 4 CVS Edition and  on this page of our free MUGEN Game Club and Store.

One game—a former champion—now shares the first place in the ranking of excellent games.
4th Strike CVS Edition has a title like Street Fighter. However, this is a complete fighting game of a general type. Here are works like SF, The King of Fighters, Dragon Ball, Streets of Rage, World Heroes, Martial Masters, Capcom, and others. These are over 120 characters lined up.
The structure of the game is typical of M.U.G.E.N., with excellent synchronization between the characters and a very good game.

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Developer: This game was created by: 7th and Tef, Warusaki3, Race45, Divine Wolf, Taoko I, KojiroBADNESS, Lost_Avenger, k6666orochi, Froz, and many more creators from the m.g.u.e.n. society.  ==>> more info  in
The creator's YouTube channel <<===
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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