Batman: amanecer salvaje 2.0 SD

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Batman SD

Back in Gotham.
Batman: Savage Dawn 2.0 - a game designed and arranged by Osman Color.
A short entertainment game that follows Batman's struggles, in tandem with Catwoman, against the raging gangs in the city.
The Joker has gathered his bandits, among whom are: the crazy Harley and Poison Avy, who you can count on with the help of his stupid but powerful slave Bane.

He goes wild again in the city of Gotham. Bandits, clowns, strange creatures and the evil genius of the penguin will put Batman's skills to the test.
Well, as we mentioned, Batman: Savage Dawn 2.0 is a pretty short game that doesn't feature particularly reflective elements in its gameplay. However, the platform is promising and further remixes or improvements could create the next spectacular title.
The game is a simulation of 8-bit consoles. Miniature figures similar to those of Infinity Beat Em Up. However, there are no special moves here, which Batman: Savage Dawn 2.0 imitates the mechanics of Beats of Rage.
There are three game modes. Classic where you can choose with which, exactly the character to play and tandem. This is a double adventure where you will be able to count on the help of the computer, which will take control of your partner.
Each mission lasts an average of about 30 minutes.
Basically an interesting game to play. However, if you are a programmer and looking for a platform to create a new game, this one looks quite promising.

Although it simulates an 8-bit console, the OpenBoR Core supports HD picture quality in SDL and OpenGL.
Batman: Savage Dawn is produced by OpenBoR society and Osman Color.

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