Paquetes de minijuegos

Some of the games we offer are arranged in general packages. If a game is missing here, you can check in the Free Game Packs by OpenBoR section for packaged games. 

You can, of course, look for your favorite game in the sections of the individual clubs: OpenBoR Game Club, Beats of Rage Game Club, Streets of Rage Game Club, Final Final Fight Game Club, Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat G.C.
Speed up all online game sites here. com also has an extensive section of Mugen games. 

However, the Free Game Packs by OpenBoR section has some unique games that have not been implemented elsewhere. You will surely find new games to add to your collection.
The mini packs are complete with up to 10 games in a set, and to the console, you can add all.pak files of OpenBor games you want.

If you are looking for a game that you can't find, you can write on our Facebook page using Messenger, chat, or join one of our groups.


Visit the RedBrilliantFox packaged games section at this link: 

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