Soldados Recca - Advance Wars

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Recca-Soldiers-Advance-WarsRecca Soldiers - Advance Wars is a real shoot 'em up by OpenBoR. Classic gameplay from the best shooters in the style of Contra or Metal Slugs.This is probably one of the most complete games of Osman Garcia. Good plot, supported by intense and intense gameplay.The story is also interesting and is told through the means of the rich cinematographer.
The gameplay follows the adventures of two commandos - Sergeant Strout and Lieutenant Nime in Operation Broken Core. The year is 2099 and a new powerful leader has threatened to conquer the world.
Long and long campaign divided into 10 separate missions. They are scattered all over the world, and you will have to overcome various obstacles. In addition to being a highly skilled soldier, you will need to demonstrate skills such as pilot, tanker, attacking submarine captain or helicopter. This makes the game very interesting.
Recca Soldiers - Advance Wars is a difficult game, but the core of OpenBoR also provides a setting for immortality or unlimited credit. This way you will be able to play the game very easily. However, the missions are made up of difficult stages that last more than an hour and a half and you will get quite tired.
in addition to all the other great qualities for the game, we must mention that the author has left his characteristic handwriting again. Osman Garcia creates his own models. So you can be sure that they are not present anywhere else, but are original works of this author.

Recca-Soldiers-start-missionInstallation instrucions : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play from Armored  Stronghold.exe

This game has been created by Osman Garcia (Osman Color) 2020-2021 Digital Games and OpenBoR society.

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