tiempo estimado de lectura : 2
Luchadores Rage 3 OpenBoR

The OpenBoR Creators Guild never stops delighting us with their wonderful creations. They are all part of an amazing creative enthusiasm that never ceases to amaze us.

And now the game Fighters Rage 3 will make gamers - fans of sturdy action, applaud.
This is a game created by Shinobi Terry. A classic remake of the Beats of Rage game, but now enriched with many new characters and features.
Characteristic of the games from the early era of OpenBoR is that the authors bet mainly on massive battles in the beat 'em up style. These are epic encounters with dozens of enemies, many of which have additional abilities.
Fighters Rage 3 will demand both your stamina and your tactical skills.
You can stock up on popcorn and cola because, among other things, the gameplay here lasts more than two hours, which will tire you out quite a bit.
Another similar game you may be familiar with is Red Cyclone Zangief. But the choice of characters in Fighters Rage 3 is much larger.

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Author: Shinobi Terry [YouTube Channel]
Engine: OpenBoR [v.3.0_Build_4086]
Type: Full Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

Presented By OTG-A.W.B. YouTube channel
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