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⭐👉 Knights of the Round Revenge: Xtreme Legends

On this page of our Free OpenBoR Game Store, you can download Knights of the Round Revenge: Xtreme Legends quickly, easily, and safely.

Hello friends. Today we're bringing you the finished release of our friend and colleague Jeremiah Cuff's OpenBoR game, Knights of the Round Revenge: Xtreme Legends.
The game is a complete, finished edition that includes several game modes plus a very interesting expansion, Muramasa's Revengeance.
The main mode, Calamity Within Camelot, lasts about two hours of intense and very interesting gameplay. For the main boss, there you will find the Silver Empleror Arlon, who is also quite difficult to defeat.
You will be able to follow the new adventures of King Arthur and his companions Percival and Lancelot in an attempt to protect their kingdom from powerful invaders and mythical creatures. A characteristic of Jeremiah Cuff's Knights of the Round series is the large selection of playable characters. So after each new episode, you will be able to change your main character. Also, when you defeat any of the main bosses, they will join your army, and you will be able to choose them.
Exponent Muramasa's Revenge though follows the adventures of Samurai Muramasa and his companions. Muramasa is one of Silver Empleror Arlon's bosses and wants to take his revenge from Sir Gawain, who is one of the knights of the round table and rules the kingdom.
The game is extremely interesting and will please all Beat'em Up fans. All the flaws from the previous beta versions are fixed, so you're in for a dizzying adventure. In addition, the Author promises a new part that will continue the story.

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Developer: Jeremiah Cuff [YouTube Channel]
Developer: Game Forum [Chronocrash.com]
Engine: OpenBoR
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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