tiempo estimado de lectura : 2
leyenda de korr


What can we tell you about Legend of Korr?
This is one of the best games of OpenBoR. Top-notch action, beat 'em up which also includes elements of a tactical map and a strategic approach to victory.
The legend will take you back to the barbarian times. The Age of Conan and the Great Wizards Ruling the World.
Now your character is called Korr and thanks to his great warrior skills he will have to defeat the great Battle Mage.
Legend of Korr is still in its alpha version but you can already play it and have fun.
The technical execution is also at a high level. Although elements are borrowed from Heroes of Might and Bagic 3 and the Kings of Dragons, the arrangement creates a truly new atmosphere to immerse yourself in.

Author: showmaker
Forum of the GameLegend of Korr | ChronoCrash 

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Note - if the game crashes - there is a long loading after the end of any stage and it takes you back to the same stage. Once you finish the stage and start loading {korr logo} you have to start има продължително зареждане след края intensively pumping ''DOWN....''. until the loading is done.

Good OpenBoR Remakes to Download!

⭐👉 Downloasd v 29.08.18
⭐👉 Downloasd v 18.11.18

the Streaming has been Presented by @Vangames1 YouTube Channel
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