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⭐👉 Metal Slug Counter - Copy

This page of our Free OpenBoR Game Store offers Metal Slug Counter for safe, rapid, and simple download.

Ok, this is FelipeBsilva's game, Metal Slug Counter. You know this creator from his countless titles in the world of OpenBoR. You know they are perfect and offer an engaging and emotionally charged gameplay. And here, as soon as you turn on the game, you will notice the same luxury and scope with which FelipeBsilva creates. Wide screen, easy control, rich animation, interesting background, and captivating atmosphere in every detail. The game also has a very interesting storyline. This new remake is set in the future, where your fighters are armed with lightsabers. Thanks to them, they defeat their enemies. As such, they also possess powerful bursts of energy through which they can clear their entire path of obstacles.
The game is interesting, but it should be kept in mind that Metal Slug, the remake of which is Metal Slug Counter, is a typical shooter—a two-dimensional game with shooting on a linear line. It's hard to put a beat 'em up element on that foundation, and it's no surprise that it doesn't quite match. Enemies will easily overpower you, and you will have to use more of your life credits to win.
Still, Felipe's story and idea are great, and we hope that in the future Metal Slug Counter will have new updates to fill the gap left by the combination of the two genres—that of shoot em up and beat em up. And now for you, here are the download links for this open board game. It's free, so have fun!

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Developer: FelipeBsilva [YouTube Channel]
Engine: OpenBoR
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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⭐👉Download Metal Slug Counter [Super Fast Terabox]⭐👉Download via Developer [Gamejolt]

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