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⭐👉 Night Slashers X Advanced OpenBoR

On this page of our Free OpenBoR Game Store, you can download Night Slashers X Advanced quickly, easily, and safely.

Night Slashers X Advanced is a great game for OpenBoR.
It's basically our well-known Night Slashers X, but now a few new characters have been added to it, making the action far more intense.
In addition to the original heroes Christopher, Jake, and Jasmin, you will find more: Duk [Double Dragon], Strider Hiryu, Hanzou, and Captain Kidd from World Warriors, Janne from Samurai Shodown, and Gokuu.
In addition, you will find Battle Arena Toshinden Origin [OpenBoR] characters Oboro and Eiji in the game.
All new characters are gifted with several special skills to use in battle. They look very spectacular and are effective against many opponents.
This makes the gaming in Night Slashers X Advanced really interesting and different, and the pleasure is guaranteed. However, there are some flaws in this version. The game sometimes crashes when you use too many of the special moves. So rely heavily on your fighter skills before you can win.
Checked characters that don't have this bug are Duk, Strider, and Oboro.

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Developers: OpenBoR Community [You will find all the credits in the text files of the game]
Engine: OpenBoR
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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⭐👉Download Night Slashers X Advanced [Super Fast-Terabox]⭐👉Download via Rekonise [Regular]

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