tiempo estimado de lectura : 6
Empaquetador - Desempaquetador de archivos Pak | por OpenBoR

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Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat <<======>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club
Final Fight Game Club <<===  ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Dragon Ball
Beats of Rage Game Club <<======>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-K.o.F -Torrent
Streets of Rage Game Club <<======>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-Mortal Kombat



About this OpenBoR Tool !

OpenBoR games are made by fans. They are great and allow for post modeling.
Many of the fans who play the games have their own criteria or find some details of the game unnecessary. Still others wish to add their own component to make the game more interesting.
To apply your own corrections you will need a specialized unpacking and repacking tool.
One such tool is == PAXPLODE PACK ==
Extremely useful for anyone, be it a programmer, creator or fan who wants to make minor adjustments to the game. It is also the main tool for working with OpenBoR, which was created by the community.

The PAXPLODE PACK tool is easy to work with. It is extremely well organized and simple to operate.

How it works - Instructions for use!
Open a PAK file in OpenBoR
- Download the tool.
- Unzip it in the main directory of the game, that you're going to edit.
- Take the PAK file of the game and drag it over the paxplode.bat file.
Paxplode.bat should automatically create a new ''data'' folder.
- Put the original PAK file back into the game's .paks folder

Archive PAK file to OpenBoR
- Drag the ''data'' folder onto the compile.bat file.
This will repackage it again, as a PAK file 
- You will need to rename the name of the new .pak file with the name of the original file.
- Copy the new PAK file and replace it in the .paks folder

Installation instrucions : Download ===>> unzip ===>> use


Paxplode Pack has been created and present by Plombo, O Ilusionista and OpenBoR society.

Paxplode Pack is a tool designed to work with archived PAK files.
- Unpacking and repacking PAK files designed to work with OpenBoR.
🏆Paxplode Forum Page <<===

  More info - how to use?  
🏆 The  WebSite of O Ilusionista <<===

📥Packing tools of OpenBoR📥

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