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Demostración de lucha libre profesional de Real Bout

Here Jeremiah Cuff has pleased us again with another action game in the style of Beat 'em Up. As you know, his games for OpenBoR are Knights of The Round Annihilation, Revenge, Dungeon Magic and Tides Before the Tragedy. Well known architecture and gameplay.
This time, however, Jeremiah Cuff takes us beyond that norm, another step forward in our understanding of OpenBor Beat 'em Up.
In the game Real Bout Pro Wrestling, fighters are placed in a ring. The battles are in the "versus" style, and the action takes place on a 3D plane. In fact, this game is more like the Boss Rush mode that is common in OpenBoR games. However, now you will find a ranking, a series of diverse rules according to which battles are fought and many other interesting innovations that are yet to come.
We will present here in this blog, every new update and information about it.

Now you can download the game and have fun.
Visit the author on his YouTube channel and learn about all the news to come. Join chronocrash and the OpenBoR community - the world where Classic games collide with modernism of the new age.

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