tiempo estimado de lectura : 1
Ritmo de destrucción: matemos a Isabeau

   Captivating world of OpenBoR and new game by Wordsmith for 2023:
Stepping into the game of the legendary characters, Geese Howard and M.Bison on tandem. Embark on an unforgettable and thrilling gaming adventure like never before.
Dynamic Skillset: Geese Howard is known for his diverse abilities in martial arts including Counter Throws, projectile moves, and lightning-fast attacks. These skills make him an exciting character to play with in OpenBoR games.

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Author: Wordsmith [YouTube channel] or Open Beats of Rage playthroughs (odysee.com) 
Engine: OpenBoR
Type: Game / Remix
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

Good Beats of Rage Remakes!

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Presented By OTG-A.W.B. YouTube channel
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