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Skull Kings - suavizar [versión sin luces 2023] OpenBoR

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skull kings-openbor-version 2023

 Skull Kings - soften OpenBOR Game !

OpenBoR The game Skull Kings is one of the best platformers of its kind. Although it belongs to the older generation v.3.0 Build 4086, it shows enviable features, making it a real masterpiece.
Skull Kings is freely distributed on the Internet, but we feel that some segments of this game should be removed to make it as acceptable to the public as possible.

Skull Kings is packed with intense light and sound effects that make it very demanding on the audience that can play it.

In the Skull Kings - soften [no lights version 2023], some of the annoying effects have been removed. In this way, the game is no longer so intense. Gone are the flashing flashes that were a major highlight of the original version. Changed some of the characters' special moves to make them look more acceptable and elegant. Some of the characters have been changed so that the general atmosphere takes on a softer and more acceptable look.

However, the gameplay remains intense and characterful, so use with caution.

Installation instrucions : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play
Skull Kings OpenBOR has been created by Elijah and Andrew Simon and OpenBoR society.

The censored version Skull Kings - soften [no lights version 2023] by Accelerate the Web Biker.

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