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Sailor Moon R Plus [Corregido][v.3.0 Build 4086]

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Sailor Moon R Plus [Fixed][v.3.0 Build 4086]

One of the best games for OpenBoR that are dedicated to the story of Sailor Moon. Although it looks quite retro, against the background of titles like BoR Remix 3 for example, Sailor Moon R Plus gathers its loyal fans. Thus follows several updates and continuations of the story, which follows that of the TV series.
The game is built and designed to run on the first generation of OpenBoR engines. Like all other games of this genre, it has a limited number of special moves and combos. In general, you will find that it covers the frame of Beats of Rage but with a changed skin.
At your disposal will be the full cast of characters from the Sailor Moon R saga, with some of them present as hidden selectable characters.
The story is inspiring, with a rich colorful setting, and excellent timing.
The game is a typical beat 'em up with a strong action element, as might abilities of the characters give way to their fighting qualities.
Well, it's a great retro game that never gets old. Like most OpenBoR games, this one is free to play.
You can download it from the provided links.


 Installation instrucions : Download ===>> unzip ===>> play 
This game has been created by Kungpow Productions and OpenBoR Community.

This is a game for OpenBoR that is dedicated to the story of Sailor Moon. The creative performance is among the best.
Good Remake Games

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