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La Brigada Bruiser [OpenBoR]

We've discovered a game that has so far eluded fans. The Bruiser Brigade is still in its demo version. Still, it looks impressive.
A whole new tactical concept for its gameplay. Although, like most OpenBoR games, it is Beat 'em Up in style, there is a well-defined tactical element here. Like Red Cyclone Zangief, you'll need to arrange the puzzle pieces in the right order to win.
As you will notice, your enemies without stop. They will not stop attacking you and eventually you will lose all will to win.
So you'll - go ahead and put a decompressor in every red zone and clean up the virus that's rampaging through the land so you can count on victory.
Fortunately, the author has put together a good guide that will help you get organized properly.

Well, apart from all the good notes we can give about this game, let's also add that it has a set of 22 characters in total, which are part of the capcom and marvel universe.
Also, the game provides several more game modes, which are represented by a typical Beat 'ep Up

Author of the Game: Maitre-Piccolo 


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Presented by @OTG-A.W.B. YouTube Channel.

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