tiempo estimado de lectura : 2
Calles de Rage 2: Fight'n Rage SEGA Génesis

Streets of Rage 2 by ''SEGA'' got a fantastic new hack. Fighters and characters from Fight'N Rage are now part of the atmosphere of Wood Oak City. Thanks to Savok Norris, Gall, Ricardo, and the entire staff of enemies and bosses have been implemented into the story for Streets of Rage. This new game is called Streets of Rage 2: Fight'n Rage, and fans are in for a lot of fun.
As you know, in the Fight'N Rage universe, powerful anthropomorphic mutants run amok in their own city. Now, led by their evil leader, ''the Boss'', they have invaded Wood Oak City and displaced the people completely. Your task will be to help the three fighters, Norris, Gall, or Ricardo, thwart the plans of ''the Boss''.

This patch replaces all heroes, enemies, and bosses.
Some enemies have new, never-before-seen attacks.
The characters are replaced by Ricardo, F. Norris, and Gal.
All character attacks are similar to those from Fight'n Rage.
Players can avoid losing a life when throwing by pressing the jump button when landing.
Friendly fire is disabled.
Added new player and enemy sounds and disabled friendly fire.
There are still many improvements over the previous version, but you will discover them with play.
The authors have done a great job, so have fun.

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Developer: SAVOK; [SAVOK'S YouTube channel]; [Savok's Guild Account]
Co-Authors with special thanks: PPI_Akiko and gsaurus 
Platform: GNU / GENS
Engine: Genesis
Type: Patch
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Need Installation / Ready to play

Best new Patches!
 More info. - Look Savoc's Guild Account
1. You Need your own ROM [SoR2]
2⭐👉 Info. over the Patch: Here

Step 4 ⭐👉Download Emulator Gens2.14

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