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⭐👉 Street Fighter SNK | Free Street Fighter Game Store

From this page of our Free MUGEN Game Store, you can download the game Street Fighter SNK directly, quickly, and securely.

Street Fighter SNK is a compact but very good game. It was created by AnimugenZ, who are providing it specifically to celebrate their first 1000 subscribers on YouTube. But the game is much more than that. It shines with its graphics, sound effects, and well-constructed characters. With a size of only 308 MB, after unzipping, you will be happy to find that its qualities are among the best. As the name of the game suggests, the fighters here are built in the particularly popular SNK style. This is a variant with a realistic execution of the fighting techniques of the fighters and control with 4 or 5 buttons on the controllers. This technique is used by SNK for its bionic games.
A total of 22 Street Fighter characters are lined up in the menu, with two additional characters hidden above the top row. This is Evil Ryo and Dangerous Ken. Also present were their teacher and Akuma's brother, Gouken. It is noticeable that Kyrie has been added to the game. Of particular interest is a fighter belonging to the Street Fighter EX series. Also added is poison, which is part of the Final Fight saga.
If you are a fan of fighting games like Street Fighter and MUGEN, you should definitely give them a try. It will become your favorite, and thanks to its compact size, you can easily store it on your mobile devices.

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Developer: AnimugenZ [YouTube Channel];
Developer: AnimugenZ [DeviantArt];
Developer: AnimugenZ [Facebook Page]
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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