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Crono Crash Game's Forum
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Takuma in the cave of Mr.XThis game is something new and completely original. This is something between an apocalyptic shooter where Mr.'s robots. X rage and beat'em up.A very captivating work with its own original spirit and a contender for a sequel to SoR.The topic is fundamental. After the defeat, Leader X decided to blow up the whole city.
The group must fight the bandits coming through the chaos and make their way to the hiding place of this boss.
Now the Grand Karate Master Takuma King of the Fighters has also been included in our group as an ally. His abilities are critically needed.
Along the way, more and more characters will join you as Lisa and kuie-fu masters of Buiee.
In addition to a set of characters, the game will offer you a wonderful direction that will transport you to the world of cinema from that era.
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