⭐👉 Streets of Rage: Shiva & Lisa Trilogy

On this page of our Free Streets of Rage Game Store, you can quickly and easily download the game Streets of Rage: Shiva & Lisa Trilogy 3.0

Do you remember the three games in the Streets of Rage: Sahiva and Lisa OpenBoR series? The Streets of Rage characters to whom Mr. X had entrusted his greatest ambitions Their original story in the Streets of Rage universe takes place in a very different world than the one we know. Mr. Z, the twin brother of Mr. X, turns him into a zombie, and his syndicate is destroyed. He kills Mona [the Losa's sister], and these new enemies are pushing out the old and taking their place in Wood Oak City. Every man in the city has changed and is subject to this new leader.
The story is very interesting, and you will want to play it until the end.
What will get you back in front of computers, however, is a complete renovation.
Our friend and fellow davpreec [YouTube channel] reminded us that Masterderico's project Streets of Rage: Shiva & Lisa is still in development. And here are the new updates for the current Beta 3 version.
This compilation game format, Shiva & Lisa Trilogy 3.0, comes to us on a wide screen. This is great because you will be able to see the street battlefields in a new and better way.
also added the full skin of enemies. Now they are completely new and different characters that you will see for the first time.
This version has also added many new features that were not present in the older versions.
This compilation format brings together, in one common game, the three previous editions. There are some cosmetic changes to the plot, with a view to achieving logical consistency in this new and more complete version.
The developer Masterderico has created and added completely new cinematics, thanks to which you will be deeply and fully immersed in the plot of the game.
Definitely, if you are a fan of Streets of Rage, you will want to play this great game as well.

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Double Dragon & Mortal Kombat <<===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club
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Beats of Rage Game Club <<===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ===>> M.U.G.E.N. Game Club-K.o.F -Torrent
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To the rich selection of games inspired by Among us, we will add this title - Red İmpostor Guys: Multiplayer Race. The game resembles the launched 8 bit console animations. But the fun is great. As an impostor, you race through the interstellar paths. Together with the entire crew, you face a series of challenges that you will have to overcome. Very dynamic atmosphere that will captivate you and you will play with interest. A light pleasant and fun game for relaxation and fun. 

This game is HTML5 and you can play it online directly from your browser without installing it beforehand.
This game reaches you thanks to gamemonetize.com

Red İmpostor Guys : Multiplayer Race
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