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23 Mar

On this page of our Free Games Store, you can download the game SoRR: Adam's Story Extended Ver. 1.3 + DLC directly, fastly, and safely. 

Oh, the mod of SoRR: Adam's Story is one of the best games produced for the core of Streets of Rage Remake 5.
The qualities are great—many alternative routes that will make you replay the game again and again. Dynamic and interesting gameplay. The characters are the same, but the story is different.
This is an alternate storyline where another boss is busy taking control of the city. He has infiltrated high levels of government and aims to eliminate all his opponents. The so-called Lima group aims to take over Wood Oak City. Sheff Oro, Don of the Lima family, aims to eliminate both the Zan and Axel avengers and the defeat of Mr.X.
That's why he split the band, giving Adam and Max Thunder new tasks while at the same time discrediting Blaze Fielding, Axel Stone, and Dr. Gilbert Zan.

We all know the character of Adam Hunter. Hardheaded and serious nature. He masters and applies a powerful and effective fighting style that resembles kickboxing with very clean movements. His manliness leads him rapidly forward, making his way with brute force and excellent fighting technique. Adam Hunter does not avoid any necessary battles. Thus, our hero manages to defeat the organization of Chief Oro.

For its technical workmanship, the game Adam's Story relies on the engine of Streets of Rage Remake V.5.1 (SoRRv.5.1). Completely new sets and new tactical elements have been added to the arrangement. New premises, railings, stairs, corridors, ramps, hidden paths, alternative roads, new buildings, and new laboratories. All this, together with the new game story, creates for you a new adventure and a new atmosphere for you to play in.

Although in the plot of "The Adam's Story," the main characters are the heroes Adam Hunter and Max Thunder, you will still be able to play with each of the other characters. But to immerse yourself in the authentic atmosphere of this amazing additional story, we recommend that you use the main characters, which are Max and Adam.

Instructions: How do I install the Adam's Story mod?
Download and unzip Street of Rage Remake v5.1 first.
Download and unzip Adam's Story Extended.

- Copy Adam's Story Extended folder and paste it into the games folder of Streets of Rage Remake V5
\ Streets of Rage Remake \ mod \ games

- Copy the \enemies folder from the mod folder ===>> paste it into the enemies folder of SorR
SORRv5.1\mod\games\Adam's Story Extended\Click for Palettes\enemies
paste into it

Turn on the game from SorR.exe and select SOR-MAKER from the menu.
Thats all - play and fun!

It is recommended that you back up your Enemies folder before replacing it with ''Adam's story''. To restore the default SorRV5 settings just restore the original folder and remove Adam's story enemies folder.

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Adam's Story follows the adventures in Wood Oak City through the eyes of Max Thunder and Adam Hunter, as the main characters.

Developer: KattyNat, SoRR Community [Forum]
Developer: In the compiled version, weapons from Teramussa have been added
Engine: MUGEN
Type: Game
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

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Blaze and Tomina Drix
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