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26 Aug

From this page, you can directly download the game Comix Zone Remake by Serrr [Streets of Rage Remake: Comix Zone].

Comic Zone is a great game produced in 1995 by SEGA for the SEGA Genesis platform. Years later, another game was released as a remake inspired by SEGA's infamous Comix Zone.
This is the game Streets of Rage Remake: Comix Zone (Mod), also known as Comix Zone Remake by Serrr.
As you know, Serrr is one of the most notable and prolific game writers in the Streets of Rage Remake community.
The game takes the characters from Wood Oak City into Sketch Turner's comic book, and the adventures begin. It should be noted that Sketch Turner has also been added as a selectable character in the game, and he replaces the character of Adam Hunter. The plot was inspired by the story from Comix Zone, but the execution was produced entirely using the SorR engine. It has some unique features that you won't find anywhere else.
History has already been changed. Now your enemies will not be the evil mutants but the members of Mr. X's syndicate, which the evil hero Mortus draws with amazing speed.
Another feature in the Comix Zone Remake by Serrr are the guns. They are present in the game as they are part of the SorR engine.
Well, you're in for an extremely interesting adventure that the SorR community has brought to you completely free of charge.

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Author: Serr [Game's Forum Thread]
Engine: Streets of Rage Remake (SorR)
Type: Game/Remake/Mod
Genre: Beat 'em Up/ Adventure
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play

Good Streets of Rage Remake Mods to Download! 

⭐👉 Download the Game 
⭐👉 Download Comix Zone Remake by Serrr
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This clip has been presented by @A.W.B. YouTube Channel
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