tiempo estimado de lectura : 4
13 Jul
New life for SoR !

On this page of our Free Game Store, you can download Knuckle Bash Remake quickly, easily, and safely.

You may remember the once-great game Knuckle Bash, which today can only be found on the MAME Virtual Console. The game is interesting and gathers fans. However, advances in technology have thrown these projects into oblivion. Well, maybe until recently, because fans from the SorR community set about creating a new remake of the famous game, and now your main characters will be the fighters from Wood Oak City.
The game itself is quite short, but at the same time, it is quite interesting. Original decorations and good gameplay; many hidden niches where hidden enemies or Easter eggs lurk.
It's impressive that Blaze's shop innovations have been turned off for this mod. This is necessary because, apart from a short Knuckle Bash Remake, you will find it a pretty easy mod.
However, the platform looks very promising. So probably many other titles could take this brilliant idea and develop it into poetry and potential.

The authors of this mod are Serrr and  SorR community.

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Author: Serrr [Game Forum]

Engine: Streets of Rage Remake 5.1
Type: MOD
Genre: Beat 'em Up
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Need installation [data]

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Amazing - the game is fantastic! A great new action-packed adventure.

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